Greater Manchester Councils
Stockport Metropolitan Borough
Are you wanting to get planning permission for your property within the green belt in the Stockport Area. We can help you with planning applications and appeals and deal withe the planning officers within Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, giving you the best chance of success.

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council
Are you seeking to convert a property to a House in multiple occupation. We have substantial experience within this sector and dealing with Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council on your behalf.

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Have you had a planning application refused, do you wish to appeal to the Tameside Council.
We can assist you. Get in touch with us today.

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council
Are you seeking to change the use of your existing property but don't know where to start.
We have years of experience in managing to change the use of clients properties and liaising with Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council in order to get the desired outcome.